4010 Dupont Circle Suite 518
Louisville, KY 40207



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price for colon hydrotherapy? 

Colon Hydrotherapy

$95.00 per session

*If you are new to colon hydrotherapy or have not had a session in a while see here for our recommendation

Please note:  Flexible Spending or Health Saving Account (HSA) is accepted. 

All our other services and rates are listed here

Price list

What is the difference between OPEN and CLOSED system?


During a closed system treatment, you (the client) will lay on a table on your left side initially for the practitioner to   in inserting the speculum.  Once the speculum is in and the large tube is attached, you will turn over onto your back. Attached to the speculum is a small tube which takes warm filtered water in.  The practitioner is in control of the water going in and then releasing.  During the release time the practitioner may do some abdominal palpation to help facilitate a release.

The water and the fecal matter goes out through the large tube. Through the viewing tube to the sewerage.  The practitioner remains with you for the entire procedure.

Open System

During an open system, after some education on how the system operates, you are shown how to position yourself on the form fitted bed and how to put in the small # 2 pencil size rectal tube.  The practitioner leaves the room while you undress from the waist down, position yourself on the bed and insert your tube and then cover yourself up, maintaining your modesty.  The practitioner will then return when you are ready.  The practitioner then starts the water flow and explains how to turn it off if at all you become uncomfortable. As the water trickles in and you get the urge to defecate or push out, you do so.  The water and fecal matter goes around the tube and drops through the contour basin under your bottom in the table which then drains into the sewer system.  You , the client, are in control of your experience and given privacy.

Due to this loop of water and waste being interrupted by air, this is referred to as an open system. This is the primary distinction between the two types of systems – open and closed.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is a method of cleansing the large intestine with a gentle stream of purified water. Detoxifying the body through colon cleansing is not a new idea. It’s been practiced in one form or another for thousands of years. Thanks to new advances in technology, it‘s reached an optimal level of hygiene, convenience, safety and comfort.

 What can Colon Hydrotherapy do for me?

Periodic colon cleansing helps to eliminate toxins and maintain beneficial flora, and encourages healthy peristalsis (muscle movement) of the colon. Colon hydrotherapy is an important component of a health-maintenance program in addition to a diet which includes ample amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, regular exercise, and a positive attitude. In today’s environment, where exposure to chemicals in the air and food is an increasing concern to many people, cleansing the colon of excess toxins contributes to health and longevity.

 Is it an enema?

No. While both methods use water to cleanse the colon, colon hydrotherapy has several significant advantages. Unlike an enema, it does not require toilet facilities; waste is eliminated directly into the drain line while the client lies comfortably on a table. Colon hydrotherapy provides an extensive cleansing of the entire length of the colon, whereas an enema briefly cleanses the lower one-third of the colon. The pressure and rate of flow is far milder in colon hydrotherapy. The gentle action of warm water under mild pressure, in conjunction with skilled colon palpation, accounts for the impressive results achieved in colon hydrotherapy.

 What happens during Colon Hydrotherapy?

A gentle stream of warm, filtered water is infused into the colon through a small rectal tube, and then eliminated. The therapist monitors water temperature and pressure according to the patient’s needs.

 How does Colon Hydrotherapy work?

Your colon performs the vital functions of absorbing water and minerals from digested food, and eliminating waste. It is approximately 5-6 feet long, 2.5 inches in diameter, and is composed of 3 muscle layers, nerves, blood vessels and mucous membrane lining.

Rhythmic muscle contractions move waste from one end to the other for elimination. A diet high in refined foods, excessive fats, low water intake and fiber, and lack of exercise all contribute to disrupting full and complete waste elimination. Consequently, the colon becomes sluggish, overloaded and toxic, as waste accumulates in its folds and crevices. This polluted environment becomes a fertile breeding ground for a host of harmful bacteria and yeast, whose by-products contribute to the toxic load.

As these poisons are slowly re-absorbed into the bloodstream, vitality and energy are depleted, and a whole array of seemingly unrelated symptoms appears. Colon hydrotherapy is designed to gently wash away the build-up debris, excessive mucus, overgrowth of yeast and harmful bacteria, restoring the colon to health. The alternating warm and cool water stream and massage can help to restore proper nerve function and muscle tone, thus restoring proper elimination.

Is colon hydrotherapy safe?

Absolutely! The controlled water pressure used in colon hydrotherapy is very low. An extensive filtration system ensures that the water which enters the body is free of chemicals and contaminants. Most importantly, the equipment features disposable speculum and tubing to prevent client-to-client contamination.

 How many treatments will I need?

Your colon therapists will help you determine the exact number of treatments for your specific needs. However, an initial series of 2-4 treatments is often recommended.

 Can I go back to work after the session?

YES, you can. This will not alter your activities at all.  People feel fine to return to normal activities following a treatment. Once you are done with your session with your therapist, then you will have the opportunity to use the restroom to eliminate a bit of residual waste & water.  After that you can be free to continue your activities.

Do I need to fast or follow a particular diet before my treatment?

Although some people like to combine a cleansing diet or a juice fast while doing colonics, it is not necessary in order to get a good treatment. If you would like to combine your treatments with a cleanse, you may do so. You may however want to eat lighter on the day of your treatment.

 What about “friendly bacteria” being lost?

Healthy intestinal flora are present throughout the small and large intestines and colon hydrotherapy helps to improve their habitat, facilitating their reproduction and multiplication.

Will laxatives accomplish the same results?

Laxatives are an irritant to the body. Therefore, the body produces a thin, watery substance that goes through the colon and leaves behind impacted toxins and waste.

Is it embarrassing?

No. There is no odor from the bowel movements in both “open” and “closed” system, and your dignity is always maintained with proper draping in a private room.

How will I feel afterwards?

Colon cleansing produces a “relieving effect.” There may well be a feeling of lightness and internal cleanliness. People are often energized sense of clarity following a colon cleanse. Many clients have reported clearer skin. Once the colon has been thoroughly cleansed then diet, exercise and other health programs will become many times more effective. Make sure you drink plenty of liquids, avoid raw vegetables, reduce consumption of meats for a couple of days. Steamed vegetables, fruit and soups are recommended.

Will I have regular bowel movements after a colonic?

The most common post-colon hydrotherapy experience is to have a slight delay in bowel movements and then the resumption of a somewhat larger, easier to move stool. Sometimes if the colon is weak and sluggish, there may be no bowel movement for few days following a colon hydrotherapy. However, this is not due to the colon cleanse, but because of the weakness of the colon. Rarely is diarrhea or loose bowels experienced. This may be due to the extra water introduced into the colon. If it should occur, it is usually of very short duration.